Posts Tagged 'book'

The PROPHET Muhammad (570 SM – 632 SM)

Appointed from Michael’s h. Hart book

The fall of my choice to Muhammad’s Prophet in the first place of the list of one hundred figure that was influential in the temporary startling possibly world the reader and possibly was the question mark another part. But I held on to my conviction, he the Prophet Muhammad of the only humankind was in the history that succeeded in gaining the extraordinary successes both observed from the measurement of the religion and the worldly scope.
Come from-proposed from the simple family, Muhammad maintained and spread one of the biggest religions in the world, the Islam Religion. And at the time of that simultaneously appeared as a strong leader, genuine, and effective. Currently thirteen centuries after the death, his influence was still staying strong and deep as well as rooted. Most of the people who were included in this book were the lucky creature because of being born and being increased in the centres of human civilisation, high cultural and the place of the rotation of politics of nations.
Muhammad was born in the year 570 M., In the Meccah city, in the part was rather south the Arabia Peninsula, a place that at that time was the area that most crull and always behind in the world, far from the trade centre, art and science. To the orphan in the age six years, was increased in the situation around that was simple and humble. Islam sources mentioned that Muhammad a blind the letter.
His economic situation just began to improve in the age twenty-five years when he married a widow was. Although, approaching the age forty years almost did not appear the guidance of his unusualness as humankind. Continue reading ‘The PROPHET Muhammad (570 SM – 632 SM)’

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